Yes yes, I know, “what happened to Mondays?” Short answer is I stopped caring.
A longer (but still brief) answer is that there’s some kind of dumb shit drama going on with WordPress management or whatever, and it’s extremely frustrating having gone to a fair amount of effort to try to find a… if not fully ethical, at least “slightly less blatantly evil” blog platform, only for it all to go to shit soon after.
Corporations, huh?
So I’m stuck with looking for alternatives… again (but I don’t waaannaaaaaaaa….), secure in the knowledge that the next place is likely to follow the “directly into the shitter” trajectory as many others. That or just… hold my ground, keep on keeping on, and hope that this all eventually blows over and I’m not permanently associated with mega-dickheads because I was too lazy and burnt out to do better.
Why’s it always my problem anyway?
So fuck it. Not like I was particularly diligent with updates and all as it was, but I’m officially taking a “wait and see” break while WordPress gets their shit together.
More than the daily recommended dose of Omegapinions
More than the daily recommended dose of Omegapinions