Category Personal

It’s all about ME!

Figure your shit out, WP

Yes yes, I know, “what happened to Mondays?” Short answer is I stopped caring. A longer (but still brief) answer is that there’s some kind of dumb shit drama going on with WordPress management or whatever, and it’s extremely frustrating…

End of the Word

No no, not in the most literal sense of “I’m quitting my dumb website forever”. Tempting, but no. The sunk cost fallacy compels me to type something, even if motivation is a constant struggle. (Geez, don’t look too disappointed) But…

mEat it

I don’t eat meat.Years ago, I thought I could “do my part” by not indulging in commercially available meat. A practice that, thanks to the ever growing behemoth of capitalism, subjects innocent critters to a miserable and torturous lifestyle just…

Monday Minis #2

It’s a low effort kind of week, with no particular standout topic. I guess in many ways that’s good, no news is good news. But it does make the self-imposed job of “local complaints and rambles dispenser” a lil’ tricky.…

Monday Minis #1

I’m experimenting this week – rather than my usual style of long winded stream of consciousness crap, I’ll instead be grabbing a handful of assorted topics and ideas, and trying my… not best… averagest? to be brief on each. Let’s…