Am I The Asshole? AITA #1 – Fathers Day


  1. NAH (No Assholes Here), just a lack of communication.

    They’re kids. You can’t expect them to remember Father’s Day. Hell, I’m in my 30s with calendars and family to remind me, and even I forget.

    Your wife seems to genuinely try. I don’t get the vibe she’s being abusive. She probably just gets distracted by the kids too.

    From your account, did you actually remind anyone that it’s Father’s Day? Did you actually ask for anything in particular? I mean, yes, you should have some expectations, but did you communicate those expectations to anyone? And have you talked to your wife about how all this made you feel since it happened?

    • Oh for sure, I don’t hold anything against the kids – they’re little psychopaths (affectionate). They’re still doing the “everything is about me” thing, and that’s entirely expected of them.

      My wife was the person most “on top of” things – she asked a month prior if the family dads (me, my dad, and my sister) wanted to do anything in a group, but the planning fell through because of family illness. But she made a point of remembering the date, even apologising that evening that she didn’t do anything special.

      I didn’t really request anything, so I guess you’re right – I am the architect of my own disappointment, so I can’t be too upset. I’ll try to work on being more clear, but man, “I love you guys but I don’t want to hang around you at all today” is a real tough sell. : /

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